Virus: primo bimbo contagiato in Germania

Virus: primo bimbo contagiato in Germania
epa08174746 A sign indicates free parking spaces for employees in the underground car park of the automotive supplier Webasto in Stockdorf, near Munich, Germany, 29 January 2020. The German supplier has confirmed the infection of several employees with the novel coronavirus. They were reportedly infected at the company's headquarters last week by an employee from Webasto China. Webasto has several factories in China, including in Wuhan, the city at the center of the coronavirus outbreak. The company said in a statement that they stopped all travelling from and to China for at least two weeks and that all employees in Stockdorf were free to work from home for a week. EPA/LUKAS BARTH-TUTTAS

C’è un primo bambino contagiato dal coronavirus in Germania.

Lo ha reso noto il ministero della Salute del Land della Baviera. Si tratta del figlio di un dipendente della ditta Webasto di cui ieri era stato annunciato il contagio. Finora in Germania i casi confermati sono sei, tutti collegati all’impresa bavarese che aveva ospitato una donna cinese risultata poi affetta dal virus una volta rientrata nel suo Paese.



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